2019 F-Type Coupe

2019 F-Type Coupe

VIN: VIN-DEMOModel: 911Stock: i2demo
  • FUEL TYPEPetrol
  • MILEAGE45000
  • ENGINE3.0 cc
  • CAR TYPECoupe
  • FUEL ECONOMY14 City / 21 Highway
Dealer Note: Cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla. Tortor at auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam. Congue eu consequat ac felis donec et. Magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tortor dui, scelerisque ac nisi sed, rutrum euismod sem. Nunc eu tincidunt nulla. In posuere lorem sit amet felis placerat, quis hendrerit est rutrum. Phasellus non dui aliquam, eleifend enim dictum, laoreet nisl. Nam arcu nisi, venenatis nec semper sed, semper eget diam. Vestibulum id lorem metus. Aliquam felis elit, imperdiet non rutrum ac, euismod ut diam. Donec iaculis at lorem et placerat. Aenean dictum orci sed lectus vulputate, ut mattis justo feugiat. Pellentesque sodales urna quis nunc iaculis lobortis.


Proin euismod interdum nibh et posuere. Fusce tempus ligula vitae elit commodo, nec semper lorem aliquet. Morbi porttitor semper tortor, ac bibendum urna cursus in. Nulla porttitor risus mauris, ut rutrum dolor porta semper.


Nullam sed efficitur sapien, sit amet consectetur sem. Curabitur faucibus aliquet finibus. Praesent ullamcorper, dui at sodales dictum, libero augue egestas urna, a placerat odio est at turpis. Ut dapibus ex eget sollicitudin sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In in odio eget erat efficitur pellentesque sit amet at nulla.


Number of cylinders 6
Displacement 2015
Drive layout RWD
Horespower 156 HP
@ Rpm 266 lb.-ft.
Torque 12.5 : 1
Compression ratio Gaoline
Top track speed 173 mph
0 - 60 Mph 4.8s
Type Automatic
Displacement 4.8s



Included Taxes & Fees

MSRP: $45,000
Contact Dealer03006633333
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    *Estimated payments are for informational purposes only and don't account for financing pre-qualifications, acquisition fees, destination charges, tax, title, and other fees and incentives or represent a financing offer or guarantee of credit from the seller.

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